Join us for worship at 10 am! Nursery provided. You are warmly invited!

What’s past is prologue,” the saying goes. Shakespeare’s words remind us that what has happened before matters, and so does what looms ahead on the near horizon. St. John’s Church has had a heritage of service, worship, and caring. And who we have been as a church has set the stage for great opportunities ahead.

That outlook has much to do with the kinds of commitments we make now as a church:

·      Worship that is thoughtfully ordered but also informal enough to allow for warmth and a friendly spirit. 

·       Kind, caring interest in one another’s lives.

·      Sermons that help the Bible come alive in everyday life.

·      Classes to help ground adults in a vibrant Christian faith.

·      Welcome to young families as they raise their children.

·      A desire to help folks not only to attend, but also to grow in Christ.

·      Commitment to serve our wider community.

St. John’s is an energetic congregation, even in the face of challenges. The pandemic has shown us that we have resilience to help us meet new challenges (including recording services each week and posting on YouTube—viewed by people both near and far).

Please know that if you visit us, we will welcome you gladly!